This is a great question and believe it or not, shoulders are something Chiropractors work with all the time which is often related to a sore or stiff neck, but…

Have you ever wondered if there was more you could do for your muscle and joint pain at home if you only had the right instructions? Sure, you could go…
Signs and symptoms like stiffness, or pain, often show up after the condition has been around for a while. At first you may not even be aware you have a…
As an Orillia Chiropractor, I’ve heard a lot of reasons why people hurt their backs, but the other day I got a new one. “I think I shook it too…
Do you feel pain in the back of your hip when you lie in bed? Are you noticing some sciatica / leg pain? Does it hurt after a walk or…
Natural Relief for Arthritic Pain Arthritic pain can feel unbearable. If you’re an arthritis sufferer, however, sweet relief is waiting for you. These natural treatment options can do so much…
If there was a wonder drug for health, it still wouldn’t be as good as exercise. And while any exercise is good for you, walking, comes with many specific benefits…
Many of us grew up with the idea that stretching before a workout will reduce our chance of injury. However, the newest research does not support this idea, especially for…
The other day I had a patient who couldn’t understand why he was sore when he had been in for a few treatments and was doing all the exercises I…
Walking is “the closest thing we have to a wonder drug,” in the words of Dr. Thomas Frieden, former director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. 1. It…