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Chiropractic & Natural health

Chiropractic Care for Couples

My wife and I worked through the pandemic from March 2020 and continue to present day. We’ve seen some positives emerge throughout this healthcare crisis. In order for patients to remain in small bubbles (as was ordered by the Government through the lockdowns), we started seeing more couples together in the same room. They wanted to cut down on the possible spread of the virus and since they live together, they shared the same adjusting table which also cut down on our cleaning tasks between patients.

It was brought to our attention by one of our patients that we should share that this trend has grown and is very beneficial to both parties. He and his wife call it Couple Care. They love coming in together. When I teach stretches, most of them can be more effective with a helper. I also show them trigger points, and/or neck traction that can be safely performed at home. Couples also include roommates, siblings, and more. Some days we see three or four couples in a row. Occasionally couples choose to go to separate treatment rooms if they need quiet time to focus and that is A-okay as well.

Lee Anne and I had just talked about this trend and how it’s continuing to grow organically since COVID. Many thanks to our patient for highlighting it and asking us to share it with all our patients. It’s great to see couples supporting each other and taking a special interest in what they can do to help each other at home.