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Chiropractic & Natural health

Do You Ever Suffer From a Pain In the Neck?

I know you may be thinking of a family member or friend who gives you a pain in the neck. Not what I’m talking about.

Odds are you have, or some day will have neck pain. The cause of your neck pain can vary a great deal, from minor postural strain over time to sudden severe trauma where pain follows immediately after the accident. The most common thing I see in my practice is overuse. This happens just like it sounds, the neck in this case is not used to doing so much work or activity. It may be because of the position your neck is in as in painting a ceiling or it may be from too much turning one way while watching a movie. The pain you feel can vary as well, from slight stiffness you only feel on movement, to downright intense pain that is constant even at rest.

The first thing we need to know is where exactly is the pain? Then, does it radiate, as in up to your head or down your arms? Is it a sharp pain or dull ache and then what makes it worse and what makes it better? Are you noticing any associated symptoms such as headaches or dizziness? Have you had the pain before, if so when and what was that like?

Now the best part, how the Chiropractor can reduce the pain. Providing you don’t have any serious underlying pathology that needs more intense investigation, we can usually help by restoring movement where it is lacking. If it is very uncomfortable, we start out slowly and be sure to encourage things that reduce pain and swelling first. Then, we can go to the root of the problem which is usually not enough mobility in the joints or muscles. Both can be improved upon. Joints are adjusted to quickly restore mobility, then followed by stretching to continue the process. At the same time, muscles can be released through a variety of soft tissue release techniques such as trigger point therapy, active release, and stripping. Then, a patient can usually be shown some effective stretches to continue to release the muscle.

For new patients who have never been to our office, we need 30-40 minutes to fully question and examine them, but then can usually start some active treatment that same day. Usually, these longer appointments can be found within a day or two of calling 705 326 4543 or emailing us

If your neck is hurting don’t leave it long. It may improve within 48 hours if it’s not serious, but after that it should be checked for what can be done before it gets any worse.