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Chiropractic & Natural health

“I Heard a Chiropractor Might Be Able To Help Me, But I Wasn’t Sure”



“A good friend said this to me the other day”, said my new patient last week, halfway through her first visit. She was already kicking herself for not coming sooner. I found several minor problems and a few bigger issues which I was certain I could help with.


So, to people who have never seen a Chiropractor, we don’t bite. You will likely learn a great deal about your body and what troubles you and you will usually find some relief almost immediately. So ask a friend to recommend a Chiropractor or check reviews online. Make an appointment, it’s easier than you think. On your first visit, the paperwork is straightforward, followed by a thorough consultation, then a physical examination to determine what your problem is and how to correct it. If it’s not something a Chiropractor can help with, you will be referred to someone who can.


Don’t wait if you think you should see someone. The most common words heard in our office are, “I thought it would go away.” The pain may go away for some time, but the underlying cause of the problem seldom does and the sooner you get it looked at and start treatment the better. It amazes me what some people are willing to put up with before admitting they need help. I’ve seen people walking bent over trying to tell me they are just a little stiff. I know they are very stiff and sore and they are not likely to get better until they get help. You don’t need to see a Chiropractor every time you hurt something. You may find a minor strain of your back, or a muscle, that is only sore for a day or so. In this case, take it easy and just be a little slower getting back into your routine. If the pain lasts longer than 48 hours, you really should see someone. A Chiropractor’s speciality is adjusting the spine and other joints to release the tension (pinch) on the nerves and often that is the best treatment for many conditions of the back, legs, and arms. You may also find some relief from Physiotherapy or Massage Therapy.