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Chiropractic & Natural health

Acute Shoulder Pain Mr. G

This 84-year-old gentleman is a golfer who had shoulder pain. Suddenly, one day, he couldn’t lift his arm to put on his shirt. A similar situation happened two years before, but it went away as quickly as it came. This time it wouldn’t stop. That’s when his darling wife encouraged him to come in to see Dr. Matheson. It took a few treatments to release the joint and muscle tension and then to teach him to continue working the muscle at home. Last week he said it was 85% better and this week almost 100% as it is only tender occasionally. In fact, to quote this model patient he said: “It’s a miracle.”

This fine gentleman had not seen a Chiropractor for many years, and never before for his shoulder. He really wasn’t too sure we could help. Now he is over the top thrilled with his shoulder and very happy with the recommended treatment and homework such as ice, stretching and muscle releasing provided. He was especially thankful that we explained everything to him and took the time to recommend helpful hints for his homework regime.

What a pleasure to work with someone so positive and grateful for our services. It’s a partnership working together to achieve optimal health. Thank you G.