How often do you tell yourself you ‘should’ do something, or you ‘should’ stop doing something? This is what I mean by ‘shoulding’. It’s a great idea to keep…

Every year approximately 42 million prescriptions are filled for sleeping pills. There are studies that show that over 60% of the population suffers from a sleep disorder. A…
Learn to say good, positive words to yourself and leave room for healthy expectations and good fortune. Let’s look at some words you can choose to say in place of…
In the time it takes to read this column, you can master the basics of meditation — and make your brain bigger. Yep, Doctor Oz started his daily practice back…
Is your inner monologue bringing you down? Here’s how to turn your thinking around: Take a just-the-facts approach. Challenge irrational beliefs that chip away at your confidence. If you think…
The precursor to all of your actions is thought. If you are not happy with the results of your actions, change your thoughts / change your actions. The mind is…