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Chiropractic & Natural health

Learning/Continuing To Think Well

The precursor to all of your actions is thought. If you are not happy with the
results of your actions, change your thoughts / change your actions. The mind is
like a garden; it needs to be cultivated or weeds will take over. If we don’t have a
system for putting in good positive thoughts, the natural tendency is for negative
thoughts to thrive and the danger is – it becomes ‘habit’.

It is very important to Move Well and Eat Well, but also for Wellness, we must                                                                                continue to Think Well. Some do a great job of this
already, but sadly, too many people are stuck in ‘Stinking Thinking’. Do you ever
catch yourself in an endless string of complaining, criticizing or condemning? It
happens all the time and you know it! You may think you are truly contributing to
the conversation because your peeps are too polite to point out your negativity
and may just nod in agreement. How many times have you heard, ‘If you don’t
have anything good to say….. ‘?

Start today to commit to adding only good things to the conversation and when
you hear something negative, try to point out a positive. ‘It sure has been cold out
lately’…’Yes, but boy is that sunshine beautiful!’

Begin your day by being grateful for who and what you have in your life; a far cry
from complaining about what you don’t have. Just take a few minutes each
morning to focus on those you love and say to yourself a few points about what
you like about that person. This gets you in the pattern of saying positive things to
this person and even helps when you see someone else. The best way to remain
positive is to actively look for positive things to say about the one you’re with,
someone you know (instead of gossiping), the weather, or even some hot political

If you are too busy all the time, you may need to learn to relax so your mind is not
plagued with stressful thoughts…try meditating, yoga, going for a walk, or even
dancing. When that’s not enough, Chiropractic care is very effective at releasing
some of the physical stresses in your life so you are free to keep your thoughts
more positive. After Moving Well, its easier to Think Well and Eat Well.

For more reading on this subject and more great ideas, see the following link to the New York Times: