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Chiropractic & Natural health

The ‘Four Flights Of Stairs’ Challenge

4 flights of stairs

Have you ever felt like you don’t really need to exercise? We all have. But how do you know if you are risking your health by not exercising enough? It might be simpler than you think.  In fact, it’s as simple as timing yourself walking up the stairs.

Dr. Jesús Peteiro of Spain recently conducted a study into relative health of individuals based on their ability to perform a certain amount of exercise, which turned out to be the equivalent of walking up four flights of stairs. If you can walk up four flights at a good pace in under 60 seconds, then you have good functional capacity and your risk of dying young is much lower. If you can’t do this in under 60 seconds, it’s a sign you need to exercise more. An exception would be those who have a problem walking stairs. Don’t fret. You may be able to excel at another test, like swimming or cycling and could theoretically still have good functional capacity.

For the full study follow this link –

If you find you have no pain and are just a little winded, then maybe you could gradually increase your stair walking ability over a few weeks or months. If you are having too much pain or stiffness to do this test, well then, maybe you need a trip to the Chiropractor. We may be able to find and correct the problem you are experiencing, and we’ll have you walking better, while you are young. (Remember your age is just a number, it’s how you feel and your habits that determine your ‘real age’.) It won’t get any easier on its own. Good luck.