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Chiropractic & Natural health

When Is the Last Time You Had A Tune-up?

Most of us have a tune-up done on our cars quite regularly, but when is the last time you had a tune-up of your body? What is that kind of tune-up? A visit to the Chiropractor is a great place to start a check up of the state of your body. Starting with a thorough history of your past and present health, we check your posture, then range of motions of most of your joints, and finally a check of the more common muscles for tension. If any of these areas show even a minor deviation from normal, some adjustments, muscle release, and home exercises can help. We can improve the problem quickly if you are in pain, but often help before you even notice pain.

In today’s world of constant stresses from minor strain from prolonged sitting to severe injuries after a fall, chiropractors can help correct many conditions. Sometimes people endure the pain for a few days and then just forget about it if it seems less severe. Often these conditions make an adaptation in the body like a spasm or locking joint and the pain might stop, but we are not functioning as well as we were. There might not be any pain until the next time you strain yourself. However, if your body has been adapting and compromising for awhile, and repeatedly, it can quickly become a much more serious condition, with plenty of pain. At this point people often tell me they didn’t do anything to cause this pain. You may not have fallen or lifted something heavy, but the truth is you had hurt yourself awhile ago and just haven’t completely healed yet. Therefore, you were very easily reinjured. This can happen simply from the way we sleep or even a simple sneeze. Some people ‘throw out’ their neck by towel drying, or blow-drying their hair. It happens way too easily and can be avoided by having a tune-up to see how you are doing. This can and should be done regularly for anyone but is especially important after some injury. Again, it might seem fine after a few days, but wouldn’t it be better to have a tune-up to make sure you stay as well as you want to?