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Chiropractic & Natural health

Why Choose Chiropractic if Drugs Stop the Pain?

Do you know someone who has a lot of pain and seems to constantly be taking pain killers? Likely, the drugs help relieve the pain, but are they ever going to get to the root of the problem, or, just treat the symptoms? If you put your hand down on a hot stove, would you consider taking a pain killer to stop the pain? Or, would you want to correct the cause of the problem?

If a person has a vertebra pinching a nerve in their back, they will likely have pain somewhere. Adjusting that vertebra in the spine is the best way to correct this problem. However, many people will take pills to cover up the pain. As Chiropractors, we always consider the cause of the problem. The added advantage to getting an adjustment is the fact that when a vertebra is irritating a nerve, it almost always causes more problems than simply pain. For instance, in the middle of the back we often ask about heartburn or nausea when we find a vertebra that is pinching a nerve. Very often when a patient has a locked vertebra in between the shoulders that feels especially stiff, I ask them if they happen to notice any stomach troubles. They usually say, “As a matter of fact, I have noticed heartburn lately. I thought it was what I was eating.” It still amazes me how often an adjustment helps a patient’s heartburn.

Chiropractic adjustments help by getting to the root of the pain and improving the function of any body part that is affected by the irritated nerve. Patients often experience more energy from being adjusted. They may notice a clearer mind, getting better sleep, and as stated earlier, a much more comfortable metabolism which includes digestion. Drugs may be easier and quicker, but if they don’t solve the problem and only mask the symptoms, your body will continue to breakdown and you will feel like you are aging faster than you really are. Maintaining your mobility and independence is the cornerstone of improving function of the body and always will be so much more effective than simply covering up the symptoms. Pain may be annoying, but it’s often short lived and insignificant compared to losing your ability to function and stay active. Choose Chiropractic care to help stay active, vibrant, and young at heart.