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Our office specializes in finding the root cause of people’s chronic pains that won’t go away. Diagnosis of the problem is the beginning of the journey. Then comes all the…
This is a great question and believe it or not, shoulders are something Chiropractors work with all the time which is often related to a sore or stiff neck, but…
Thanksgiving Bloating Bloating comes when there is a buildup of gas in the abdomen. Here are a few of the causes: Swallowing too much air, eating or drinking too quickly…
As a Chiropractor, we often see people who want fast relief of their muscle pain. A quick fix is short-lived so the real question should be: how do they get…
Muscle Release Have you ever wondered if there was more you could do for your muscle and joint pain at home if you…
Quadriceps Stretch Signs and symptoms like stiffness, or pain, often show up after the condition has been around for a while. At first you may not even be aware you…
This 84-year-old gentleman is a golfer who had shoulder pain. Suddenly, one day, he couldn’t lift his arm to put on his shirt. A similar situation happened two years before,…
The renowned comedian Jerry Seinfeld told a great story of how we often have a gap in our knowledge about how the things we do affect us. Let’s say we…
We have seen a tremendous number of patients lately who need shoulder pain relief. Whether the pain starts from a fall, strain, heavy lift, or from sleeping on it too…
Enjoy your summer, especially at sunset. Summer is a great season for getting outside and enjoying the beautiful weather. Some activities carry more risk than others and sometimes an injury…
As an Orillia Chiropractor, I’ve heard a lot of reasons why people hurt their backs, but the other day I got a new one. “I think I shook it too…
If you have ever had sciatic nerve pain, you already know that your back is the cause of the problem. So, does it help to put on ice or…
Most of us have a tune-up done on our cars quite regularly, but when is the last time you had a tune-up of your body? What is that kind of…
“Okay, kids. What are we going to do this week? Who wants to get their posture checked by a chiropractor? I heard they can find minor problems in little backs…
When I was a young boy I often watched my dad come home from work with a broad smile on his face. He would say, happily, “I helped many patients…
Do you feel pain in the back of your hip when you lie in bed? Are you noticing some sciatica / leg pain? Does it hurt after a walk or…
Your spine is comprised of your neck and back. It can be trained to be resilient, but if you ignore your posture and continually do things that compromise its integrity,…
I know you may be thinking of a family member or friend who gives you a pain in the neck. Not what I’m talking about. Odds are you have, or…
My wife and I worked through the pandemic from March 2020 and continue to present day. We’ve seen some positives emerge throughout this healthcare crisis. In order for patients to…
Natural Relief for Arthritic PainArthritic pain can feel unbearable. If you’re an arthritis sufferer, however, sweet relief is waiting for you. These natural treatment options can do so much for…
If there was a wonder drug for health, it still wouldn’t be as good as exercise. And while any exercise is good for you, walking, comes with many specific benefits…
Here's a great mnemonic for an easy way to improve your eating habits (and we all need this about now). From the amazing new book: "Keep Sharp" by Dr Sanjay…
This up-side-down world has left a lot of people feeling a constant tension with uncertainty, fear, and boredom. We don’t want to go out like we used to, but we…
Many of us grew up with the idea that stretching before a workout will reduce our chance of injury. However, the newest research does not support this idea, especially for…
The other day I had a patient who couldn’t understand why he was sore when he had been in for a few treatments and was doing all the exercises I…
Attitudes of Ontarians Toward Chiropractic Care An extensive survey conducted for the Ontario Chiropractic Association by Environics Research in 2016 revealed public perceptions and utilization rates. In 2019, we used…
Do you, or someone you know, suffer from pain as a result of caring for someone else? Far too often, the main focus is on the primary patient so much,…
If you could reduce your chance of heart attack or stroke, slow the aging process, burn fat faster, and improve mental health, what would you be willing to do? How…
Do you suffer from foot pain or hip muscle pain? A golf ball can really help with these pains. For you foot - sit in a chair and lift your…
Walking is "the closest thing we have to a wonder drug," in the words of Dr. Thomas Frieden, former director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. 1. It…
Have you ever felt like you don’t really need to exercise? We all have. But how do you know if you are risking your health by not exercising enough? It…
Most new patients I consult with are interested in not only pain relief, but also a deeper understanding of what their problem is. They want to know why they are…
Last month a recent study, published in The Journal Of The American College Of Cardiology, found the following: People who did no physical activity and sat for more than eight…
Have you ever wondered how to choose the right doctor for you and your family? Perhaps you like the location, hours, or close parking. But what is the most important…
Recent studies show that Chiropractic patients experience fewer Adverse Drug Events compared to people who don’t see a Chiropractor. This makes good sense to most Chiropractic patients because we tend…
Are you a Mom who feels like everyone else is more important than you? After you take care of the kids, your spouse, your parents, his parents … then, if…
The knee is always a very flexible joint, even when you think it’s stiff. The hip, on the other hand, is usually too stiff though you may not notice it.…
Do you know someone who has a lot of pain and seems to constantly be taking pain killers? Likely, the drugs help relieve the pain, but are they ever going…
Many of us start out the New Year with very ambitious ideas about how much we plan to improve our lives. Remember that New Year’s resolutions are destined to fail…
“I heard this guy has a cold. Maybe we shouldn’t get too close to him.” This is a myth. If your body is strong, you will have a well-functioning immune…
This is a very common presentation of back pain in the “Not-quite-broken, yet” category. We’ve all heard the old adage, “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it!” It is possible…
Ok, so we know we have to eat well to be well. Does that mean we have to give up all the foods we love? Absolutely not, unless you only…
You might feel that all your stress comes from your neighbour, but chances are this is just the tip of the iceberg. Our bodies are designed to be well and…
In recent months we seem to have found ‘The’ solution for many of those patients with lower back pain that wouldn’t seem to go away. It’s hypertonicity or tightness of…
'BOOK AN APPOINTMENT WITH MY CHIROPRACTOR ASAP!' "A good friend said this to me the other day", said my new patient last week, halfway through her first visit. She…
Luckily in my 31 years of practicing as a Chiropractor, I have never seen someone have a heart attack. However, the odds are good that I will, or anyone will…
To prevent back injuries at work and optimize your ergonomics click the following: Office-Ergonomics-Pager-Apr17-v2
Have you ever thought you wanted to eat better but realized it usually takes more work to prepare? Well this is the classic ‘Two birds, One stone’ scenario. Think…
Shin splints are simply pain in the front of your lower leg that usually comes from an increase in weight bearing activity. It often gets more sore the longer…
Your feet are often taken for granted, until they become sore and you struggle to find relief. There are many different problems that can cause foot pain ranging from heel…
Sciatica typically involves pain referring down the leg. It could extend as far as the foot, but it may just reach the lower buttock. It may be caused by a…
Backpack 101 - Help Your Kids Avoid Back Pain Kids think it’s “cool” to strap on their backpacks and head out to school. But if they don’t know how…
While at a local bookstore the other day I noticed an unusually large proportion of people with poor posture, specifically, rounded shoulders. Sure, this is more common in the elderly…
Not all leg pain comes from the back, but when a nerve is pinched or irritated in your lower spine, it can cause very serious lower back and/or leg pain,…
Neck pain can be acute or chronic, but regardless, when you're in pain, relief is the first thing on your mind. Just as important as relief, of course, is…
VANCOUVER – A new study has found teens who have a "couch potato" lifestyle risk having permanent negative effects on their bone health. Orthopedics Prof. Heather McKay of the…
Click on the following exercise videos links for stretching and posture correction. For best results warm up first before stretching. Stop if something hurts. Start posture correction exercises after the…
Have you ever noticed it feels better when you get up and move? Your body has a specific need when it comes to the amount of movement you experience…

Winter weather can pack a punch and, with the season’s heavy snowfalls, injuries often result. Improper snow shoveling and even snow blowing is often to blame. But snow shoveling out…
It may seem hard to believe, but if you pay more attention to what aggravates and what alleviates your pain, it can truly help. The main division in lower back…
Inflammation Besides diet, pay close attention to what activities aggravate your pain and inflammation: Is it from sitting on the lazy-boy chair, or vacuuming, is your bed getting a little…
Inflammation Inflammation is likely to emerge as the health concern of the decade. Most serious illnesses have inflammation as their root cause. How…
Dr Kevin has a passion for helping people overcome their physical ailments naturally and is committed to making it a pain-free, simple process. His Dad was a Chiropractor thus Dr.…
Ode to Orillia, Our new Hometown Orillia will thrill ya, That’s what we heard them say, Nicknamed the ‘Sunshine City’, It’s really made us stay. Sporting the Mariposa Music Festival,…
Do your feet hurt at the end of the day? Are they tired or stiff? Do they ever feel like you need to crack them? An adjustment may be just…
It's safe to assume that each of us will experience some type of fall in our lifetime. Every fall impacts body function, movement, mechanics, and efficiency. Different types of falls…
How much sugar is too much? Did you know the average North American consumes 22 teaspoons of sugar a day! Wow. Would you believe that sugar is the worst toxin?…
Movement is life. Without movement, there is no life or very little. For those who don't exercise at all, they surely have a deficiency of movement. You don't have to…
Picture taken in Algonquin Park Keep up your walking as the weather gets colder. It can still be fun and a terrific exercise most of the fall, and some of…
Depression is a serious health issue, whether we're talking clinical depression (major depressive disorder), mild depression, seasonal affective disorder (or appropriately, "SAD" - depressive symptoms that often occur during the fall /…
It dawned on me the other day, that most of us don't feel bad enough yet to make the decision to commit to some of those dreaded lifestyle changes we…